ICDF Angels

What is an angel?

Angel (n.) – heavenly being who is God’s messenger

                    someone who is kind and helpful

                    a supporter of a charity who generously gives money & time


We need conference angels to enable us to:

  • have well organised information and bookings
  • be able to support our teachers, worship teams and speakers
  • take care of our many volunteers
  • be able to book transport
  • pay for deposits and other costs before any bookings are taken
  • set the scene before the delegates arrive


Become a conference angel

The International Christian Dance Fellowship could not exist without the generous support of all its members and many of its non-members who regularly support us with prayer, giving sacrificially of their time, and also financial gifts. It is never too early to start investing in future gatherings. One of the ways that you can do this is to become a Conference Angel.

Conference Angels help by giving financially. We are asking you to prayerfully consider how much you could give towards the running of the next gathering, whether you are actually attending or not. This will bless the many ICDF members and supporters around the world who are able to attend. You could give a one off gift or agree to an amount each month, it does not matter how large or small it is, God can use it, add to it and increase it.


If you would like to support us in this way, please let us know:

Connecting our faith and calling in movement